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AMA - Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, I.P.
Adress: Rua Abranches Ferrão n.º 10, 3º
1600 - 001 Lisboa
How to join the Electronic Yellow Book?
The Electronic Yellow Book is managed by the Agency for Administrative Modernisation.
To start the accession process, please contact us at
Is there an obligation to reply to a user when submitting a complaint in the Electronic Yellow Book?
In the case of a complaint made in the Electronic Yellow Book, the body complained of is obliged to respond to the complainant via the same platform within 15 working days, failing which a fine will be imposed, and there is an obligation to inform the regulator or market monitoring body of the response given to the consumer.
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What is the legislation applicable to the Electronic Yellow Book?
The legislation directly applicable to the Electronic Yellow Book is as follows:
Articles 35a to 39 of Decree-Law No 135/99 of 22 April.
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What is the cost of joining?
Adherence to the Electronic Yellow Book does not incur any cost to public authorities.
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